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Planning Board Minutes 4/09/07
Greenfield Planning Board
April 9, 2007
Minutes recorded by Joe Trudeau

Members Present: Chairman Carrara, Halper, O’Connell, Adams and alternate member Steere.  Chairman Carrara designated alternate member Steere to sit in for Fletcher.  

Halper discussed the CIP.  O’Connell moved to assign Halper to head up the CIP project for this year.  Motion seconded by Steere.  No discussion, all members voted in favor of the motion.

Minutes from March 26, 2007 were read aloud by Halper.  The following changes were made:  
Line 118, add “No members were disqualified.”
Line 41 and 119 add that the notice was also posted on the town bulletin board
Line 50 insert “buffer” in “wetlands impact”

O’Connell moved to accept the minutes with the aforementioned changes; seconded by Halper.  All members were in favor of accepting the minutes.  Alternate member Steere abstained due to his absence from the last meeting.

Laguerre Lot on Whittemore Lake
Adams disqualified himself since he has discussed this as a member of the Board of Selectmen.  CEO Hopkins spoke on behalf of Dan Laguerre who owns a vacant lot on Whittemore Lake.  Several years ago Mr. Laguerre bought a foreclosed cottage and fixed it up, then later found out when he went to sell it that he didn’t own the cottage.  At some point the town mixed up the records.  Mr. Laguerre paid several thousand dollars of back due taxes on the cottage.  What he actually owns is the 0.180 acre vacant lot next to it on which he wishes to build a two bedroom cottage.  
The lot is on a private road and he already has a state approved septic plan.  He appeared before the Select Board because he sought a building permit but usually the town does not grant permits on private roads.  Hopkins came before the Planning Board to explain the situation. The Select Board is asking the Planning Board to “review and comment” on Mr. Laguerre’s proposal. Hopkins consulted town counsel who suggested the town not grant a permit to build.  The Local Government Center made no suggestion, and Hopkins added that the town does have the statutory right to grant a permit.  The town does not typically grant building permits on private roads, though CMRC and Barbara C. Harris Conference Center were granted permits on their roads.  Their roads were brought up to standards when they expanded development.  Steere was most concerned about the condition of the road and would like the private road to be brought up to standard.
A lawyer who represents Kathleen Burgess who owns the lot next door added that Mr. Laguerre received fair financial compensation ($95,000) for the cottage when he sold it.  Adams (speaking as a resident) added that Mr. Laguerre has acted in a “stellar” manner through the whole ordeal with the Board of Selectmen and that should be considered in any decision making.   O’Connell asked Hopkins if it was on record that the lot existed before zoning ordinances, and if the building fits in the setback requirements.  Hopkins replied that it probably does precede ordinances, and the building would fit.  Chairman Carrara stopped the discussion because of the agenda item running late.  The Board was concerned about setting a precedent by granting a permit on a private road, though they had sympathy for Mr. Laguerre because he has acted in good faith.  Chairman Carrara was worried that the town could be held liable at some point in the future.  The Planning Board decided to not comment and let the Board of Selectmen make a decision.  

Pratt Subdivision on Blanchard Hill and New Boston Roads
Chairman Carrara reviewed past meeting minutes and found that the subdivision application had been accepted.  Chairman Carrara stated that the public hearing was still open and reviewed the rules of the hearing. There were no comments from the public so the public hearing closed at 7:58.  Steere moved to approve the subdivision.  The motion was seconded and all members voted in favor except Chairman Carrara who abstained from voting.  

Major subdivision application for Wilco Holdings, LLC on Francestown Road
No members disqualified themselves from this agenda item and nobody in the room suggested that any members disqualify themselves.  O’Connell properly notified the hearing on the towns’ website, the bulletin board, and the post office.  
Dawn Tuomala from Monadnock Survey spoke for Matt Harwood of Wilco Holdings, LLC.  The intent is to subdivide the 22.5 acres into four parcels.  State subdivision approval has been granted.  Past plans had included a common driveway on Route 136 for the two lots with frontage on Route 136 but the current plan has separate driveways on Francestown Road.  Duffy Fox, town director of DPW, had provided his suggestions for driveway placement to Mrs. Tuomala.  A check from Matt Harwood was received by the Board.
Chairman Carrara read aloud a letter from consultant Carol Ogilvie dated March 25, 2007.  Chairman Carrara reviewed the Checklist.  The application has the following deficiencies:
1 Mylar copy
Total frontage for each lot
Easements for waterline and driveway access
Clarify waterline location
HCRD plan number
Wetland acres for each lot
Wetland on existing house lot needs flow arrows and culvert location
Provide easement for 500 gallon propane tank or move lot line

Halper moved the major subdivision application for Lot R5-7 on Francestown Road by Wilco Holdings be accepted.  All members voted in approval except O’Connell who abstained.  
        Public hearing opened at 8:58.  Public comments included:

Patrick Piper said that Mr. Harwood had showed his plans to him and they looked responsible.  He was curious why the driveways were on the dirt road and not on Route 136 which is level and paved.  Mrs. Tuomala explained that the logistics of putting the driveways on the high-speed road (Rt. 136) were more complicated and would require more tree cutting to increase sight distances.
Al Burton, abutter on other side of Route 136 said he was pleased that the driveways were not on 136 and he was pleased that there were fewer proposed lots that he expected.
Vicki Williams asked if the Director of DPW had considered the cumulative impact of these lots and the lots on the other side of the Road (Danforth Subdivision) on the condition of Francestown Road.  She wondered if the town assessed an impact fee for such a circumstance.  Essentially these new lots double the existing number of homes on the whole road.  The total use of the road would probably not exceed the states recommendations for dirt roads.  Chairman Carrara will contact Director of DPW and have him comment on the increased use of the road.
A resident was concerned about the increased risk of vehicle collision.

Chairman Carrara decided to leave the public hearing open so other residents can add comments later if need be.  Steere moved to continue the hearing April 23, 2007 at 9:00 pm.  The motion was seconded and all were in favor except Chairman Carrara who abstained.  A site walk was scheduled for Sunday April 15, 2007 at 9:00 am.

PSNH (Northeast Utilities) public hearing with Dave Crane, PSNH arborist
Public Hearing for tree trimming and maintenance on about 95% of the town of Greenfield, including scenic roads.  In general they remove branches and brush less than 4 inches in diameter within 10-15 feet of the lines.  Whole trees may need to come down if needed, but that is on a case-by-case basis.  Asplundh is their contractor for this job.  Mr. Crane will contact either Jim Orr or Neil Brown to arrange a donation to the wood bank.  Chairman Carrara read aloud a letter from George Rainier to the Board.  The letter states that past cutting along local roads have left misshapen trees and injured saplings that will grow into oddly shaped mature trees.  He was concerned that the work crews will not act sensitively to the scenic attributes of the roads and the health, integrity, and aesthetics of the trees and brush.  Mr. Crane responded that they do, at times, use less than ideal practices.  However, they try to solicit the wishes of the landowners who may wish to keep topped brush and trees for sight barriers.  
Chairman Carrara asked the consequences of never trimming the trees.  Mr. Crane responded that power these days is more consistent because they have actually been trimming more often.  Tree-fall causes 60% of the outages on their system.  This area is averaging 50% more outages than the whole system because this area is at the end of its cutting cycle.  He added that forest fires have started from trees growing into lines, and there can be safety issues if the tree acts as a ground and carries a charge.
Chairman Carrara asked Mr. Crane what system is in place to address any issues that arise if the crews cut in any manner inconsistent with the likes of the residents.  Mr. Crane responded that he is the man to contact if anything comes up.  Halper asked what happens if the contractor can’t get in touch with the landowner.  He responded that they leave notes, find phone numbers, look up their information at the tax collectors, and do whatever they need to do to get permission.  Some times this can take months.  John Hopkins commented that future cutting projects should be posted in the Greenfield Spirit.  O’Connell stressed that people on scenic roads have specific rights and the utility must be sensitive to the scenic designation.  However, the utility can go before the Board of Selectmen for a provision to cut a tree without landowners consent.  Steere moved to approve the cutting on scenic roads in Greenfield with a two week notice and trees over 12” diameter be flagged beforehand.  Town Forester Karla Allen felt that the protocol was sufficient.  Motion was seconded by O’Connell and all members voted in favor.

David Cranes contact information is: 1-800-562-3190 x3867

He requests that these minutes be emailed to him at: 
George rainier also requests a copy of these minutes.

Other Business
Fletcher resignation
Chairman Carrara read aloud a letter of resignation from Marilyn Fletcher.  Chairman Carrara moved to recognize Marilyn’s contribution to the Board.  Seconded by Halper and all voted in favor of the motion.  
New member appointments
Chairman Carrara read aloud a letter from Deb Davidson, Greenfield’s administrative assistant.  The letter describes the manner in which vacancies on the Board are filled and the manner by which alternates are appointed or elected.  There are two vacant alternate seats and one vacant permanent seat on the Board.  Adams was concerned about appointing a permanent member without public input.  
Two residents who are interested in full/permanent member seats came to the meeting: Jim Fletcher and Karla Adams. Gene Mitchell was interested in an alternate position.  Steere suggested that Mitchell be appointed as an alternate and the permanent seats remain open a bit longer.  Chairman Carrara resolved that at the next meeting the full position will be filled.  Halper asked why the residents were interested in joining the Board.  Karla responded that she would like to be on a Board where she can make a difference.  She has been on the Conservation Commission since 1999 or 2000 and she’s ready to step up.  Jim responded that he wanted to keep his hand in Greenfield and wanted to contribute to keeping the town scenic and nice.  Gene responded that he thinks he can make a difference, knows Zoning, and has had experience with subdivision.
 Halper asked Gene why he posted a blanket sign at the polls saying “Vote no on all ordinances”.  Gene responded that it was the easiest way for him to lobby for a specific outcome from the voting.  Chairman Carrara commented that whenever anyone makes a statement it needs to be backed up by facts.  Adams felt that Gene’s tactic was a legitimate political action, and it was very good that he was present at the Board to show his interest in becoming part of the system that he had a problem with.  
Steere moved to appoint Gene Mitchell (ending March 2008) as an alternate member. Seconded and all voted in favor.  Karla voiced that she would like to be an alternate and see more of what’s involved.  Halper moved to appoint Karla Allen (ending March 2010) as and alternate and Jim Fletcher (ending March 2008) as a regular member of the Planning Board. Seconded and all voted in favor.

Joe Trudeau position
The budget is minimal but there is money available.  Joe will be absent for a good portion of the summer but that does not make anyone on the Board uncomfortable.  Steere moved to raise Trudeau’s pay to $13.00 an hour with a review at years end.  Seconded and all were in favor.

Working meeting
A working meeting was scheduled for Wednesday April 18, 2007 at 7 pm.

Minor subdivision application officially received from Mark and Rhonda Cilley on Muzzey Hill Road
Letter from George Rainier regarding Belmore Heirs proposed subdivision
Letter from George Rainier regarding tree trimming by PSNH
Local Government Center email regarding planning board vacancies
Letter of resignation from Marilyn Fletcher
Board of Selectmen notice of a changed meeting
Board of Selectmen minutes from March 22, 2007
Trudeau pay stub

Halper moved to adjourn at 11:19 pm, all in favor, meeting adjourned.